
Offline YouTube Videos Coming Soon!

Offline YouTube Videos Coming Soon!

new-youtube-app-logoYouTube recently announced that later this year, YouTube mobile apps will be able to download and view videos on mobile devices, without the need for an internet connection.

The videos, however, will not be stored permanently on mobile devices, and will have an expiration time of 48 hours (2 days).

This is what they say on their official Partners & Creators blog:

This upcoming feature will allow people to add videos to their device to watch for a short period when an Internet connection is unavailable. So your fans’ ability to enjoy your videos no longer has to be interrupted by something as commonplace as a morning commute. 

However, some concerns has arisen from people who earn revenue from views on YouTube.. but as always, all ads and commercials that you normally see on streaming YouTube videos, will also be downloaded with any video on the mobile device, so looks like we’re still stuck with potentially annoying, and long, ads. But the big question is now whether the ad views on downloaded videos will count towards revenue earned.. my guess it will, but let’s see.

You can read the official blog entry about this here

1 Comment
  • blank
    October 5, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Perfect article at the right time for me!
